"Project Mowe...the windy plane from Nausicca"
The realistic motorcycle by Shotaro Kaneda from the movie "Akira"....
was realized recently that's the replica featuring the original aerodynamics
and cowls but could not installed the "electrical power plant" yet......someday,
they just will realize their dreams and hopefully we can get and ride the
futuristic motorcycle like Kaneda as "healthy anti-hero charisma"
Besides, in the other scenes for airplane...
there is some very attractive, unique, difficult to realize but eco-friendly
"futuristic" project of "Mowe"...the windy plane owned by Nausicaa
from the movie and manga books....written and directed by Hayao
Miyazaki.... What's the primary purpose of the project?
To wish the "peaceful world" like that of Nausicaa....since the
Iraq war was held in 2003....by US.
This movie was the "test fly" moment for it with the
professional pilots with the style like original Mowe by Nausicaa...
Unfortunately, this "windy" one could not be powered only
gusts, gales or whirlwinds but "small combustive engine"
which was not equipped by Nausicaa's....
In the coming future, the owner and creator of this eco-friendly
plane hope to cruise with it on the altitude of
200m....and show it on the flying moment in some airplane venues
in Germany....someday.
Wish the Mowe to be the symbols of "peaceful world"....as Nausicaa's
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