Joe's documentary for homeless life in Nishinari...Pt.1

This "golden"haired guy....Joe, the hardcore backpacker, hitchhiker,

and...the reporter for slam, ghetto and sometimes...the dangerous areas

like the godforsaken area in Detroit, urban area in Compton(never approached

to the gang-bang area...because of the perilous situation for Japanese...)

and...this Japanese sole slam area....Nishinari. Because of penniless

situation for him..after the "parsimonious" or "sparing" peregrination

in USA...from California to New York...via Las Vegas in Nevada, Detroit

in Michigan and Toronto in Canada for his interests...(lately, I'll introduce

them...) He was staying in Nishinari...because he didn't need money so much

to live in this area...that's just the reason or excuse but the true purposes notice and film the "true and other sides of Nishinari as harsh but

warming area by people with some problems but living so strong......

In this video, he introduced....some "weird" points of the area...

No.1: Uncanny Christian fascias on the wall....??

Yes, that' some christian commented on his video.....

the whole "arcane or suspicious rubrics"(partly rubricated)

are just phony and sanctimonious....they are far from

the orthodox ones....moreover, I also saw those kind some areas

in Kanto or Tokyo area...oh, do not care for them so much...hahaha.

No.2: Just 5 bucks of "motel"...with very small room....

Unfortunately, those very tiny rooms are not suitable for foreigners

who has the tall and big body...moreover, in my opinion...some of them are

not good for health....especially for lungs and skins which were inflicted

by some asbestos or the futons or rooms....

In this time, he didn't enter and check the room...but as he mentioned that...

the room was completely small same as the telephone box...!?

No.3: Freebies of apartment...!?

If you wanna live or rent some spaces or rooms in Nishinari....

you can do them immediately...with some "doles".

That's sometimes...leading the dirty businesses for schemers...

to exploit the allowances and pensions ruthlessly and unintentionally...

instead of supporting the low-life moment....

regardless of this real estate which Joe introduced....

No.4: Very reasonable...or cheap lunch boxes...on the street...

Just 2 bucks (200 yen)....if you have, you can buy some lunches...

in this area. Due to the penniless situation of him.....he often

used this stalls...regardless of his preference for foods...

To be honest by him....he thought....especially

"Tomato in this box was....awesome like super balls(toys for child)....."

Moreover, the camera crew who is his friend also expressed the

croquette as...."hard to raw garbage from foods"

Yes, that's the reason of "reasonable" or "cheap"....hahaha.

However, that's "not" the main reason to introduce this place...

he "emphasized" the "humanity" of people with kinds in this area...

like this stalls which provided the low-price fast foods....

Yes, that's the kernel of this part....especially I thought

he really weigh in this point...!!

On additional explanation and chats in the last...

He mentioned...that he visited the "skid-low" in California....

In his opinion...the "square park" in Nishinari which often was

occupied (or squatted) some homeless people or one-day workers...

(currently, the numbers of them were not he said)

was not dangerous than...skid-low in USA....oh, right.

Anyway, do not miss the next one and other videos of him...!!!


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