Joe's documentary for homeless life in Nishinari...Pt.7
That's the most hardcore report from Joe...about "underground market
in Nishinari"....which illegally deals lots of "uncanny" or "illicit" ones...
because all of the booths and markets were not authorized by police
or other official ones....they sometimes retail the "illegal or pirated
pornographic videos" and "unauthorized or smuggled medical drugs"...
in very low or even extravagant prices and without any excise...of course.
They open or stake out frequently in the every early morning...until the police's
crackdown... In the first, Joe found some...non-tagged or possibly used
handbags and sacks....of course, those would be the illegal or
sometimes stolen...The dealer just explained his merchandises for Joe...
"that was from Ireland".....
Next one was not so....conspicuous but simply...retailed some "unauthorized"
or "pirated" products as Viagra and "blue films".... Joe was introduced the
"phial" of 15000 Yen (150 dollars in US)...1 tab per 500 Yen....
of course, the retailer didn't have any authority to sell them...
but just could do by them in black markets....
and retailer emphasized some phrases..."Those are genuine"...that's the
popular sentences for retailers in back-street markets in Nishinari....
fortunately, Joe didn't buy them...
Yes, of course he don't need to use them with his....hahaha
After the rendezvous and reconnoitering moment in the market....
he determined to sell his "books"by himself...who gonna buy his products?
After the several time he set off the stall...some uncle with wheelchair
was interested so much in his...water bottle? Oh, that's not merchandise...
and it was so "low-priced proposal" for him by uncle to vend it in 300 Yen...
Sorrily, his books were not...sold and finally folded the booths....
Alright, let's go back to the markets...!! They sought some...DVDs and
accessories on the booth...especially ,Joe was really interested in
some promotional one or compilation of Mana Ashida...the famous
child actress in Japan who was recently starred in Pacific Rim....
only in 300 Yen....besides, he was cold-called by retailer to buy some
merchandises for his (or her) birthday...otherwise she gonna present
him some...!?
Anyway, that's the "soft" sides of underground market in Nishinari...
Hence, if you wanna join this market....just be cautious so much for
some illegal ones, troubles with retailers and police...
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