"Kicky get-in styles for bike" by @joeANDdream

That's the second works of Joe...the entrepreneur, pathfinder,

 journalist or reporter with his bodacious challenging styles...with...

bicycle!? Yes, he just showed you guys his "kicky riding styles" of

bike...which attract and enchant the "girls" so much....

just briefly, smartly and....stupidly...especially in his final one...hahaha.

No.1 Rocket "saddling" start....

Before starting or letting the posterior tire be on the ground...

you just should move or circle your foots on saddles...to

gear up the chain of bike and accelerate the wheel....!!

That's very simple, tangible, facile but kicky style for us

to start the engine like rocket...as "rocket start" in Motorsports...!!

Of course...you should control or be careful for the "powerful"

wheelies...before the start or wheel settling down...hahaha.

No.2 Rotund acrobatic getting-on with poles beside the bike...

That's also kicky for you guys to perform...in spite of the percentage

of success for it....With some "heavily rooted" poles or other rotund

stuffs or sticks like "lights on the street"...

you should grab the pole to round the body and "plump and

slide slightly (for seeking your position) your

ass on the seat" If you succeed, your ass would not be hurt and bruised...

but if you failed...the damage for ass or your....balls were so harsh...hahaha.

No.3  "The Somersault"

Truly...unfortunately...despite his high abilities for his get-in styles for

his ride....Joe just failed this challenge with his damaged or squashed...

"twin turbos on his loincloth..." Feel sorry for him to crush his most

important parts...provided somebody could succeed this one

aesthetically and without any damages like him....please

upload your video of this one and send it for him...hahaha.

Anyway...bon voyage, Joe...for your "southern America"

peregrination with motorcycle like Che Guevara!!!


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