Joe's toughest report in parade of anti-war...

Before the hitchhiking the "armed vehicles of right wing"...Joe joined and

reported the scenes of the demos against government to demur the wars

and security legislation between Japan and United States of America...

by his interests...

Although I am not pro for the wars...this demos are so weird...honestly.

Why do they were rapping about their...castigation against government...!?

that's the trends or vogues for demos among the young people...??

I wanna support them in liberal perspectives in parts but...that's not

a good idea for them to follow the trends with weird approaches...hahaha.

Anyway, Joe just attended the demos...without his political views completely...

As you see...he was really enjoying "rapping" and "shouting" the slogans

of them like..."I'm sorry Ienai-sorry'(he could not say sorry)"....with his

excitements....and rubbed up the fists with female leader of them...

Besides, Joe was interviewed by some propaganda newspaper of

the "communist" Akahata (red-flag) newspaper...

"What's your opinion for security legislation??"

Joe...just answer the query..."Oh yes...that's....not good"

"How many times did you attend those kind of demos??"

Joe's one...."Only I joined some parades in Disneyland..

but it's so good for demos to sing songs like that...

I really like the music so much, especially Mr.Children

(famous pop groups in Japan) If they sing the songs by is better (to claim)...."

After the completion and shaking their hands...

he was asked his actual "William Joe"...yes,

that's completely incognito of him...and residence

of him as "earth" because of his homeless life...

What did the interviewer feel about him...?hahaha.


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