"Elevator in abandoned building"

This is just my true story which was inexplicable, uncanny

and so "scary" moment in elevator of some old building...

in Ikebukuro, where the only baseball batting center is

still opened....that features some "retrospective" games

to attract me so much...therefore, I just wanna enter the

place and see them....in my interests.

The building has 6 floors....the center is six...the top of them.

There were some shops, musical school(by Yamaha) and bowling hall

from 2nd to 5th floors....but already closed because of

the "renovation" or "destruction" of buildings as very old

one...thus, unless the constructive people in those floors

to do their jobs....and use the elevator that lead to the 6th....

we can go to the 6th directly....of course, I pushed the buttons

of 6th on the elevator...with my excitement for games...!!

In fact, I was the only one on the elevator then....and just

touched the 6th floor as direction...however,

the elevator unexpectedly stopped on the 5th or 4th floor....

which had "the several abandoned" bowling lanes...

Were there some people of construction companies in that

floor? I just guessed the reason of stopping...however,

In adverse of my expectation, there were "no people"....

without any sounds and shadows...in the "dark and murky"

places with "lanes"....

"Somebody just pushed the button accidentally but used the

stairs to get out the place for rests..."

I shortly was surprised by this untoward layover of elevator....

but, that's not the scariest moment for me....

In the time I just wanna close the door and reach the destination

of 6th....by pushing the "close button" in elevator....though,

the door wasn't closed...but still opened despite my commands...again

and again!! Why? Somebody just tricked me with the button outside??

With my little courage, I just "nodded down" for the door

and pried the floor...but there were no people in this place...

and no shadows of them...moreover, there were no sounds of....

After the several minutes, I finally could deal with the door....

by pushing the button in many times....I was little in panic but

stayed calm to cope with the situation...to get out.

Unfortunately, the games were not attractive for me but

enjoyed visiting the place....so, I just wanna get out the place

by using...that elevator....could I "escape" from that place

without any "horrific moment"...??

Fortunately, with some people in elevator...or possibly

in the tentative case for "alone in the box"....

I could get out the place without any troubles....

the elevator just conveyed me and other people

straightly to the 1st floor...the entrance.

Honestly,  I wish it to see the "abandoned one" by

accidental stop again...but didn't realize...hahaha.

If you wanna know the details of that...please comment

me but please do not enter the abandoned places

without any permission or authorization...that's completely

illegal and bothering for people and places....thanks.


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