Who is seeing my blog...??

I really appreciate you to check this blog....

I always check the analysis of access by Google...

Fortunately, I got averaged 10 or more accesses for each

articles...especially got more from

the diaries with my photo taken in Japan...

This blog is just the reason and ignition for enhancement

of my English skills...writing...thus, expressing myself is

one of...or the best part of training and practices....

I was not confident and even (confidentially) coy about my English ability

to organize the weblog, writing something in foreign language...

and tell myself to somebody abroad....

However, as I receive some accesses from all over the world...

I was so excited and happy to...be seen my articles.

A year ago....I did not recover my confidence and myself

despite the passing the most difficult examination in English...

because my true English skills and ability are uncertain and

actually improved except the writing one....

Complement for the anxiety of expression in English is....firstly

to begin the Instagram...to communicate with foreigners...by

taking photos in Japan...and explaining them in English....

That's so interesting for me...lots of users from other countries

"like" my photos and sometimes commented...

I got my dear foreign followers...needless to say, that's the

precious moment for me....

After the improvement in short sentence in IG,

I should enhance and even master the long passage...

similar to discourse, dissertation and even professional

English columns...hence, I decided to resume my blog in English...

In the inchoate phase, I was struggling with the English...by

translation from Japanese with my brain...that's so hard-and-fast

to choose, construe or tease out the proper, beautiful and

suitable expression....obviously, the difference between them

are true...that's Japanese are struggling and annoyed with

English so much...but, when I could seek the best ones....

that's so euphoric for me...more than the jackpots in exams...

Anyway, many foreigners including Japanese people checked

this blog...according to analysis by Google...

This clever tool shows me the ranks of country...in the other word,

which country got ranks and high number of visitors to see my blog...??

Congrats United States of America, you are the best, No.1!!!

Due to my followers in twitter who seemingly live there...

the American people is the top of the ranks to check my....

the total figures are...1157 times since my blog launched...

Second is Japanese....they accessed 590 times...OMG!!

Wish them to utilize my blog for study...

the whole top 10 is as follows....

Third....India, 107

Fourth...Germany, 51

Fifth...Ukraine, 48

Sixth...Portugal, 46

Seventh...Russia, 43

Eighth...Sweden, 26

Ninth...France, 21

Tenth...Singapore, 17

Others are...Indonesia, Holland, Australia, Canada,

Spain, Great Britain, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Mexico

and more and more....

Anyway, the ranks are not important but the facts that

so many people abroad clicked, read and enjoyed my blog...

that's most precious and special for me...

Thank you guys for checking my blog!! I, of course,

continue and never cease my blog...!!


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