Cohabitants of Shrine and Temple...rare scenery in Lake Sagami...

Left is the stairway for shrine, right is the stairway for the temple...

In some area of Sagami-ko(Lake Sagami), there are very unique

and cohabitant religious areas...Shinto & Buddhism.

Their names are...Yose shrine and Jizen temple...

Firstly, my friend and I visited the right side of....

That's the gate of temple...made by woods. 

That's so dignifying...but very calm. 

Some prayer with hats welcomes you to see him...

with layering the palms, I saluted this calm person...

In some temples, they are always observant...

to protect the places and people who visit...

Unfortunately, I didn't take some pictures of

temple because of some reason...Sorry guys!!

After calm moment in temple...with some

purification of eyes by beautiful scenery, 

We secondly go the shrine. 

Before the enter, we always pass this kind of gates...

I feel every time that I finally came to the shrine by 

passing this...

As you see, that's so precipice of rungs...

We partly struggled with those narrow footsteps...

by slow pace. If we failed to catch the rungs...we

would fall our bodies or got some owie...!!

The time we reached the top of stairway....

we finally could see this spiritual and meticulously

wooded artistic shrine...that's so fabulous!!

In the central of this one, you can see two of ropes

from the roof inside the two stanchions....

When we grab and move those, contribute some coins for 

shrine to throw in the box in front of them and pray some desires...

those are realized by the "god" of this shrine...of course, I did. 

"Wish me to date with some fancy gir...."

Nonono, that's joke!! The true invocation is...secret!!

That's the monument with small shrine....

The policy of Shinto is the pantheism....

People who believe Shinto think that each gods are

existed in everywhere...some in nature, another in river,

the other in...thus, Japanese people traditionally are very

religious and so devout for their own and vernacular gods...

Anyway, this is also spiritual and beautiful...with some Japanese

aesthetic sense "Wabi"....

Here is the carving arts on wood panels...

Possibly, it had made so long before...

sometimes the staffs and volunteers are 

maintaining and protecting it frequently, I think...

Thanks to them, it is still clean slate and well-conditioned... 

Finally, it is not roller coaster...even escarpment

of some mountain...but just steep downstairs...

Of course, we were so cautious, gingerly and 

slow to walk avoid any injuries and accidents...

if you are acrophobia, I recommend you to use the 

slopes next to this...that's longer but less steep

and safer than it....


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