The resurrection of Golden Wolf..."Scarface" in JPN...

For the fans of Scarface & The Wall Street...Arriviste finally could not

obtain the love from ultimately primary lady...

Very smart and violent movie starring Yusaku Matsuda(Asakura) as aspirant

to dominate the Leviathan...from bank robbery(quoted 3 hundred million

robbery in Showa Era...already on prescription and never arrested...),

bludgeoning gangsters and fixers of drug related...

to finally seizing the paramount of gigantic cooperation..

by his cunning brain, rough and truculent violence and high-motivation

for power....

Is this so brutal for people? No, some scenes are truly so. However,

it's just a game....jousting for money, power and respect or awe....

In the office, he pretended to be innocuous, idyllic and friendly...

but his inside is as I mentioned before...of course, he never revealed

and spilled his true aggressive aspirant, ruthless bank robber.

and smart guy...

Comparing the former (fictional) drug load Tony Montana in Scarface,

Asakura seems not to rely on his lucks, flukes and vainglory....

Montana finally broke up his property, relationships and even his life

because of his arrogant and suspicious attitudes for his fellows and

partners...thus, Tony is just a guy who has dreams but could not

control the powers and money and finally be destroyed by them....

Asakura never show those kind of flops...thus, he is so

canny and nimble for managing....

Sometimes he exploited his girlfriend as informer of executive

who had intimate relationship with her and

was in cooperation that Asakura works...Asakura also told some drugs for him

by her as go-between to make him addicted and gain the whole money

from him....Oh, that's so...pitiless!!

Anyway, it's not murky, morbid and depressive but just ruthless, survival

and truculent for whole powers...Asakura is just tough and wise guy for

games...against authority. After all, he finally....became the president of

his company....despite his position far from executive his

whole ability....however, it ended the tragedy for him and...his girlfriend...

by (phony)marriage with daughter of president for political tactics...

The finale of this is so draggy and catastrophic....not lachrymose but

pathetic for him...who finally seize the money but never realized his

love for...

In memory of Yusaku Matsuda...your sons are so active and eminent

for their acting works and one of them is on the advertisement with

"Robert De Niro"...


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