Ryuzo and The Seven Henchmen...the latest Takeshi Kitano film...!!

"We don't have bright and "long" future but just reckless and short today...!!"

Briefly...this comedy is absolutely...fabulous!!

After the release of Outrage and long-shot desires for comical movie...

Kitano finally...released this...Ryuzo and The Seven Henchmen!!

Without mentioning the details and story of this one because

of the respect for Kitanists who haven't check it due to the

date of premiere and release...I just "touch" the impression of

mine and recommendation with some standpoints...from this one.

Firstly, violence is one of the "sweet spots" of Kitano, however

he did not often show them....especially ruthless, sudden but

sometimes defiant ones...

but this one featured old school

Yakuza grandpas who was retired or semi-retired from

their own and former syndicates...with reckless arrogance

without considering or being worried any future...thus,

some action scenes which were suitable for children over

12 years old...in Japanese censorship (Be careful for bloody


By screening these old-fashion gangsters,

Kitano presented some spicy, sometimes

sarcastic and...very impressive comedic scenes

about the quixotic (from historical one Don Quixote)

Yakuza attitudes for modern society...who almost

decreased or similarly deceased the spirits

of Ninkyo-do(similar to and following

the chivalry but different in some respects...) and make

the Yakuzas to "beef" with modern and even insidious

villains who were not Yakuza but "thugs or fraudulent

mafias...in contrary to them.

My favorite comical scene is...the funny scene between

Ryuzo as father and his son who is not Yakuza and live

with his family included grandpa...that's one of my favorite.

Sometimes, the jokes are not suitable for young people

because those were quoted from very old movies and

the difference or gap of laughing cultures are obstacles

to share the jokes between young and old one...nevertheless,

do not  worry about the talents for comedy by Kitano,

his "toxic", sarcastic but "comical" essences are not


This also featured very eminent veterans...to name a few,

Tatsuya Fuji...as the boss Ryuzo, Akira Nakao...regularly

appeared in Kitano's...for example, Achilles & Tortoise, and

Outrage Beyond as "underling boss with ephemeral rebellion...

against the tycoon"and more famous elders as bad-ass geezers...

Of course, their powerful and sophisticated acts encrusted this

movie...however, I really am grad to see my favorite actor...

Ken Yasuda as "the executive in fraudulent mobs"... who is so

famous for his theatrical group "Team Nacs" which also features

some famous actors from Hokkaido...including Yo Oizumi.

Kitano really satisfied and impressed his performance as villain...

in his words, "His shouts and intimidation in the movie is impressive"

Kitano never said some phony and genuflecting panegyric for actors

because of his frank views...thus, the reputation from him is true.

Despite the despicable heels against Ryuzo's squad...his appearance

is much happiness for me...as fans of both great guys...!!

Sorry for you Kitanists to avoid the "cores" of this movie....

because I wanna enjoy this one in "tabula rasa"....

Anyway, I really recommend you to watch this funny blockbuster...

since his best comic movie "Kikujiro's Summer"...!!!


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