The production for Dragon Ball created this...Sonic Movie!!

With the tasty and kicky essences....this Sonic CD opening is just rad...

Why is this cool?? Because...some staffs and experts who was formerly

worked in the production of Dragon Ball Series...produced this one!!

As you see, there are some speedy and active moves which were

especially featured in DB series...

Accidentally, there are some similar

points of both ones...DB features the 7 Dragon Balls that

awake and summon Shen-Long the dragon that realizes the wishes...

by collecting whole comparison to DB, Sonic also seeks

Chaos Emerald....which consists of 7 different colored emeralds

and help him to be Super invincible one with rings as

fuels...Possibly, DB inspired Sonic in some hair style, characters

(younger partner Tails, rivals Knuckles and Shadow

 and long-time villain Eggman...) and possibly

chaos emeralds that makes him and other hedgehogs to be

Super one similar to "Super Saiyan" one of Goku & Vegeta...

Anyway, this movie are so and still cool!! Never obsolete...


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