Kikujiro's Summer...eponymous name of Kitano's father...

"What's your name, uncle?" "Kikujiro, ass-hole!"

Kikujiro...this Japanese characteristic name is Kitano's father...

In this movie, Kikujiro is...blatant, sometimes rambunctious and

cantankerous....thus, not good person. He always shouted, angered,

be ratty and...not deciduous for some. This is not the expression of

his father, just borrow his name for main one on this movie....

Kitano have not mentioned that he want to film some movies with

children...ever. Actually, similar to Kikujiro in movie...Kitano did not

speak children who is professional actor and actress...even shy them

away sometimes, Masayuki Mori said...however, he once said about

children in the movie...

"The movie starring children who is not cute or adorable

so much turn them for audience to be those

in the the "good work", right?."

This concept is similar to...Ghibli one in 2001 "Spirited away".

Girls who was separated from her parents and struggled some

hotels of ghosts and monsters...looks so cute in the end of movie

despite her non-cute(avoiding some cutesy for movie...)description.

This movie especially in the end...makes the actor "Yusuke Sekiguchi"

as Masao be so cute and adorable in the final scene of running the bridge...

as critics and fans of this movie said...

In my opinion, Kikujiro's summer is reconstruction for comedy that

contains some ,of course, comical but warm, softy

one. Actually, there are no description of directly or visibly violent scene...

just implicit one with bloody explosion or omission of actual fighting one...

But,  some mental blutal scene is in this movie...especially separation of

mother who was married again somebody...with their child that means...

Nevertheless, in the end Kikujiro and Masao will be happy....solve or

forget their sad memories and decide to start brand new lives...just

in my book but I hope so.

By the way, my best scene is..some "playing some in Prohibitation area".

Kikujiro and Masao meet some couple who has the pick-up truck...and

ride that to move somewhere... In the scene of repose in glass area,

they are enjoying juggling by girl, dancing by guy and running by Masao..

This scene impresses us very...warm and genial feeling...however, that area

is prohibited to enter or use...hahaha. Just please check the scene!!

My literature skills never limned that scene actually and funnily...just watch it!!

By the way, this movie was invited in....Cannes film festival for competition.

Sadly, this could not receive some awards...however, after the presentation,

audiences whose number least 2000 or 2500....almost give applause for

film and Takeshi Kitano... Masayuki Mori said...

"That was like pain for my ears...thus, it was so loud and gigantic applause

for us...that is the award or medal for us..." In some video which was shooted

by Junichi Iori...manager of Kitano, Kitano was crying after hearing the huge

panegyric and applause....not to able to hide his emotion and thankful attitude

for audiences...

Finally, I just have to said this....

"If Nagaharu Yodogawa were watching this movie...he would or should

absolutely give huge applause and admiration for this movie so much....

I just wanna him to watch this movie if he was alive....or in the heaven

with his best friend Akira critics or mostly No.1 Kitanist

in this world...!"


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