A Scene At The Sea...his ideal for silent movie or invisibly but extremely "violent" love story...

"My best ideal movie is...silent one. One picture which just can express

or tell some stories to audience...is the extremely aesthetic one..."

Mr.Yodogawa's best favorite movie of....A Takeshi Kitano Film is...

"A Scene At The Sea"....When he watched this, or before the watching,

he didn't like Kitano so much because of his abusing, brutal, toxic

and bullish comedy for elder people...however, he changed his mind

and want to meet Kitano...as the great movie director same as

Akira Kurosawa...whom Yodogawa thought.

Another episode between Yodogawa and Kitano is....

In the radio program which pay tribute to the demise of Yodogawa...

Kitano listened to his speech about the movie...with his apprentice

Asakusa Kid 2 of comedians who are veteran of Takeshi's Army

...As they said, after the hearing, Kitano cried silently...to glad and

be thankful for Yodogawa to give him some panegyric....

This movie described "Surfing..." not loud, aggressive, bratty one...

which was misunderstood by some people...but just calm, stoic and...passionate one.

Because of his ideal for silent movie...both protagonists who are the

couple and love each other... has no script...

and their characters are....hearing challenged people(avoid some words

they represented negatively...) to get words away...for describing story without

them...by just using "pictures"...

Despite the none of the words, movie just can tell the story of couple...

Faces, countenances, gestures and...moves of them are the episode...and

delineating the movie...thus, without any superfluous expression or explanation...

This movie is the challenge and experiment for silent movie by Takeshi Kitano...

to prove and evaluate the possibility, ability and power of film...that literature

does not have or film only has...thus, Yodogawa phrased and

gave much applause to this film and Kitano...

Moreover,  while this love story strikes audience and critics as...

poetic, beautiful and non-violent one...Kitano explained this as...

"Brutal and violent movie for love...even not directly or visibly"

 because of the death of male surfer"Shigeru"

 who is main character and dead while his surfing... caused

their separation eternally, remorselessly and brutishly...

Kitano makes this movie in the same sense and nature for doing

visual violent one...like "Violent Cop"... that policy of love was

inherited to Dolls...which is also silent and beautiful one but...

as Kitano said, most brutal and ruthlessly violent movie of love...

By the way ,I like the 2 of funny and comical guys

who are the friends each other...

and inspired by Shigeru as grit and eager surfer...

they are actually kind of...buffer by purvey some comedy

or audience themselves that see the couple

from somewhere...objectively.

Anyway, still this movie is not obsolete one...but really

is fresh and beautiful...poetic but lament...sad, however...

in conclusion, I like this movie so much.


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