Dolls...Saddest love story and most violent movie...

"This is the most violent movie...." Kitano once explained the "Dolls"...

the pure but saddest "love story" between male...Matsumoto,

who, just were forced to jilt his fiance Sawako

and plan to marry the daughter of president by their parents..

and, female Sawako who was jilted by Matsumoto...that caused to

killed herself by some dangerous medicine...

but couldn't and that cause some mental

diseases...which forced her not to be able to speak well or be unstable

or mental health.

By the way, this movie featured some Japanese traditional cultures...

especially, Ningyo Joururi(人形浄瑠璃) of historical legacy or

assets in Japan that features some traditional dolls and performers

who render some instrumentals and read the story for audience...

Youji Yamamoto....the costume designer in this movie(and some

Kitano films...Brother and Takeshis', or the character acted by

Takeshi Kitano in Outrage series) asked the producer Masayuki meet Miho

main character Sawako to notice herself, her idea for actress

or this movie....

Firstly, Yamamoto Kanno.

"Okay, Ms.Kanno, this project...Mr.Kitano requires us the

tremendous or hard-and-fast things...what is that we should

or must defeat or transcend the traditional performances... must win the dolls of them as actress,

I must exceed the costume of them..

Those costumes for dolls in Ningyo-Joururi...

is still impeccable made from old but still immaculate clothes

200 years ago...they still uses some lefts.

If we could not do, it's our lose...that's over."

As his strong and stubborn attitude for this movie...Yamamoto

impeccably contributed his passions to Dolls and Takeshi Kitano...

when Kitano saw and check the costumes, he was so...flabbergasted.

Firstly, he could not comprehend the styles of Yamamoto...however,

the more he was filming, the more he understood the idea and arts

of "Bunraku itself"...and reconsidered the importance

and roles of the movies. Moreover, his eagerness for movie

was increasing...or noticed that

he must not lose the costume of Yamamoto as director...

Anyway, this movie was so...sad, or saddest movie of them which Kitano

directed...but pure and devout for love...even that cause them to

destruct whole life...or became the vagrants or homeless couple...

Moreover, this movie featured some episodes for example...

one of them is Oyabun(top executive)

of Yakuza...who loved a woman who will be sitting in every Saturday to

wait him...with lunch box made by her and "belief" of his coming back,

and, The fervent male fan of famous female singer...even she was lost

her right eye by car accident

and never be on the public stages as star...he just wanna

meet her without eyes...thus his eyes lost not to see her face but memorize

her face and smile before accident......

"Love is violence"...the theme of this movie "Dolls", or

Dolls...who was the observer on the movie were seeing

the world of human...


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