Getting Any?...the documentary for Kitano as...comedian

Getting Any?....After silent violent movie "Sonatine", the movie which was

lauded in Europe and chosen as 100 best movies for 21century by BBC...

thus, after receiving the reputation and evaluation from world

or the apogee or zenith for his carrier for violent movies...

Takeshi Kitano obsessed to make "the comical movie" famous and talented comedian,

he think he had to create....or do the comedy on movie.

Especially, while the producer of Kitano movies, Masayuki Mori was

really confused, perplexed and honestly didn't wanna produce that...

Kitano forthrightly claimed the necessity of creation of comedy

with this....

"If I do not create the comedy on movie in this time...

my whole ideas dried up..."

Mr.Mori recognized this phrase

 as his extremely critical pitches for comic movie...that

implies he could not direct or create any movies...

so, Mori reluctantly and in the end permitted

 to start the filming "Getting Any?",

despite his confusion or anxiety...

Before and in the time of filming...however, the mental condition of

Kitano was so...unstable, even fluctuated from optimistic to

pessimistic side....thus, the width of his mental wave is so....huge.

Mr.Mori worried about that and call the situation as

"Tycoon, he is in insane situation...(殿、ご乱心)

(In Japanese word "ご乱心(Goransin)" means lunatic

or insane...both are not suitable so much but Jpn-Eng dictionary

notice I use insane in this case)"

Actually, according to Mr.Mori,

Kitano always has objective perspectives for himself...

even his reputation, evaluation, ability, comedy and more...

but, in the terms of shooting, he could not see himself objectively

and calmly and obsessed his adamant ideals for some...

comical expressions or farces...on the movie that crushes

his whole reputation or movies themselves...

"Getting Any?" is absolutely....his documentary movie for unstable

mental condition and obsession for comedy....thus, after shooting,

he triggered fatal accident by motorcycle with intoxicated

condition...somebody said that was

"suicide"the despondence for his comical work...

even Kitano did not or can not remember the memory

about that....or he seems to be kill himself objectively...

"After the accident, I saw the pictures of that...

I was shocked by seems to be suicide that

I just wanna crash into the guard rails...intentionally, but

I didn't have any memories for the moment..."

Anyway, while his unstable mental condition generated

"Getting Any?",

this movie is so...comical, facetious and jocose. you know, one of the best Kitanist

loves this movie so film of genius creator or

comedian like Chaplin, Lloyd and some famous like them...

The theme of this movie is..."just wanna sex with woman".

The whole ideas of ordinary or usual man who wanna....

thus, this is the nonsense comical movie about woman and sex.

In this movie, there are some parodies about...old Japanese

movies or "invisible man"...but British critics in London movie

festivals criticized the parody scene of invisible poor

one that was not enough to be parody...and, they are really

confused and lost their words after is the same that fatal

accident happened...

Anyway, this movie was so...hilarious and nonsense for us.

Just laughing, or making you anger...Kitano hoped so.

After this movie, Kitano tried again to film the movie that contains

some comical scenes in...Kikujiro's Summer. This movie was given

huge Cannes film festival by all audience.

In my book, after filming Outrage series...he will be try again

to create some comical touched movie...


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