Mr.Nagaharu Yodogawa gives panegyric and eulogy for Akira Kurosawa...

What is the "World(in his movies)" of Akira Kurosawa...??

"Imagination, imagination is the best talent for him.

In any case, the sense of "One Cut(scene)" is so great.

In the movie "Dream", there are "A sudden rainfall in the sunshine"...

that kind of scene never existed or was expressed by other directors.

That explains the "imagination" of talent for him and makes films sharp."

What do you think the powerful or strong feeling for movies by Kurosawa?

"Powerful scenes...are from "himself"...

because he comprehends and loves the movie.

Those scenes could not be born from directors who wanna

makes just "stylish "one...Kurosawa can create those because he

was always be "serious(forthright attitude)" for movies...for example,

aforementioned rainfall scene...and some make-ups which were so

intractable... these elements also makes his movies "sharp".

What is the main reason of hits of Kurosawa's?

 "Human...humanism. He always described "humans" themselves....

because he loves humans so much."

What is the motivation of humanism for Kurosawa?

"Just he wanna delineated human as they are.

There are not just..."movies"

but also "human" who actually are in the movie..."

How come the reputation for Kurosawa worldwide(in this interview,

this means especially...Europe) is more than in Japan?

" The language of Europe and that of Kurosawa's movie are the "same"...

he loves movies so, so much since he was a child...thus, his language is

"movie" which is the mutual and equal one for Europe.

His rhythm or tempo of movies is better

word) that can be shared with European... thus, not original Japanese

style...for example, Yasujiro Ozu...his style of movies represent Japanese

original ones like "Shamisen"(slow rendition)...but Kurosawa's are not...more like "Violin"

or "Piano"(different from Japanese traditional rendering style...he mentioned)"

What character(personality) does Kurosawa has??

"Never offensive...never pervasive

Just "shy"....when we met each other in this hotel,

we didn't talk about the "movies" itself...we just talk

some delicious Chinese noodle in Roppongi(place in Tokyo)

When I mentioned some movies of him, he is really...shy to

talk about them, even I phrased the "Sugata Sanshiro"....

he just laughed coyly. As he is genuine movie director...

he is so shy for his works and himself to talk... and very

silent and warm(genial) character.

Was he scared person??

"Completely lie, just false. That(bad rumor) explained

everyone's jealousies for him...absolutely, it's not true."

Please tell me about him...after his demise.

"Just he didn't exist in my the saddest thing for me.

His life of 88 years was "great". He inherited his fantastic movies

that is impeccable for us but...I want him to make more and more

 movies...just I wanna say to him but never could...."

After the demise of Kurosawa...Mr.Yodogawa was passed away

following one of his best movie friends age 89.

This interview seems to be continue and Yodogawa want to interviewer

to fire him away some question more and more...about Kurosawa.

Actually, I did not see the movies by Kurosawa so much...but after

seeing and listening to the interview, I wanna watch much.


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