My favorite caption...drunk dad with his apprentice...from KochiKame

That's one of my best caption and scene of Kochikame...

the comical action animation and manga series of

police officers...especially Kankichi Ryotsu....

This one is from the episode of marriage of his boss

Ohhara's daughter...and after the ceremony with his apprentice

Ryotsu in the euphorically drunk situation...

Despite the smile and happy countenance of him,

he extremely and adamantly opposed to her marriage....

with her fiance who works in gaming developer...before the ceremony.

he always refused childishly to talk with her boyfriend...who want

to get the permission from spite of his calm and

unflappable character(but often angry for Kankichi) as chief...

because of his solicitude and loneliness for his daughter...

Although the accredit from him was not issued...Kankichi

and his fellows secretly start to prepare the ceremony...

with Ohhara's wife who supported the marriage of them....

Before a day of ceremony...ohhara got some fever with

heavily rigorous cold...that made him to stay in house....

therefore, his attendance for ceremony was uncertain...

unless his condition will be upbeat and illness gonna be cured...

Daughter cooked some warming rice soups for

the morning in the day of party....

and tell some message for marriage..."I wanna invite you....

I want you to attend the celebration of's my fault

that I should comprehend your feelings...but I did not...."

That's lachrymose scene between father and daughter...

Ohhara pretended to sleep but listen to her message

with his virile tears...with "sorry for daughter with his

selfish attitude for marriage without any respects..."

Finally, his condition is better and he finally...decided

to attend the party with hurry approach by using taxi

from home to party venue...

After the arrival of him, he confessed his past and

indolent and blatant attitude for marriage of his daughter and said

sorry especially to her fiance for opposition of marrying...and

finally permitted and celebrated their wedding...

Ohhara finally overcome his solicitude for daughter....

and ingenuously celebrated their marriage....

That pic represented his euphoria and happiness...

despite the worries and anxiety for him by Kankichi

who was bothered by drunk boss...hahaha.


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