Whole plans for linear "airlines"between Tokyo & Nagoya...
In 2015 expected, the Maglev linear Shinkansen will open between
Tokyo and Nagoya...!! The trains will let you go to each area within
45 min...by the 500km cruise...!!
This video shows the whole routes of linear...some of them were
already built in Yamanashi-prefecture
and now managed as "test course" of trains...
Others were just planned...and ready to construct the bridges
excavate the undergrounds in the urban areas and burrow the
mountains...to make lots of the tunnels...
As you see this one, the 80 or 90 percents of routes were....
the underground and many tunnels...or so many ones...
because there are many mountains in Yamanashi, Nagano,
Shizuoka(just passed) and Gifu prefectures....thus, it will costs
so much budget...of Japanese Railways...
For the solution of CO2 and other toxic gases in the undergrounds
and tunnels, they will settle some huge ventilation places...that can
get them out to the sky....despite the electric powered trains without
any fuels generating the CO2 directly...
Moreover, the safer walls in the exposed areas will be so high
and big...to prevent the huge noises and linear trains from any
obstacles...thus, the scenery from windows would be not good...
and linear trains just take you to the other areas in nippy time....
Nevertheless, it is so exciting to see the whole routes of this...
Once the linear airlines are in the air...revolutionary speedy
transportation would change the many things...in business,
leisure, and even daily life moments for us..!!
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