Please revive the awesome "Choco la vie 9"!!
I really love this gourmet impressions for chocolates by...Masami Kurosawa!!
By the way, do you know Masami...?? As you see in this movie....that's the
Masami who has the "beauty" the professional and very active model
for hair salon, fashions and some medias of travel moment...!!
With the "adore" and "passion" for better and sweeter chocolates....
she used to impress and explain the sweets of famous ones...with
expensive prices. For the impression of them, she just choose the
proper, tangible and incisive words and sentences to describe the
flavors and the feedback in her tongue and mouth....that's so interesting
and enchanting for fans and lovers of chocolates with sympathy...!!
However, currently the uploads were ceased...she said it's just hiatus
but still in outage...if you have a enough time to resume this program...
please revive the series!! We always welcome to see them so much!!
Also check the account for Masami...!! Guys fall in love with her...with
her impeccable beauty...!!
@masami_k8 on Twitter & Instagram (in Japanese)
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