"Japanese Will Smith" as Sakana-Kun on "Focus"...!?
Sakana-Kun...the "ultimately sophisticated lover" of the
"fish"...whose serendipity for discovering the unseen, rare,
and historically exclusive fish...is the exponentially...or inexplicably
talented and skillful, actually found some rare, seemingly extinct and still
unknown ones...that gave him the Guinness World Record...in the
best number of discovery of brand-new or unseen fish....
Moreover, he is the only people who has the antibody for TTX...
the lethal toxic one in puffer fish...which completely poisoned and
killed person slowly(not so fast like some poisonous drug)
but critically....some academic or scientific
sources certified his invincible body against the toxins in fish...OMG!!
As somebody rumored or reputed...he resembled the Hollywood star
and hiphop MC Will Smith....for the April Fool promotion, he disguised
Will and became the "fraudulent in Focus" of Japan...!
Do you agree that his transformation looks like Will Smith...!?
Surprisingly....yeah!! If he walks down the street...somebody
would mistake him as Will....and require his sign from...Sakanakun!?
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