Welcome to "Hellcab"...the cicerone of....
My father's serendipity...for the games as "debacles" is "awesome"...
He always bought the seemingly unique games but...
This is one of his "failures" of game choices...HellCab...
published firstly by Time Warner Corp. and released in PC-9821...
as the killer tunes with picturesque graphics and movable fields
with photos...in fact, to play this game very efficiently...
he purchased and equipped the expensive but
high-spec CPU and advanced and augmented memory unit...
which upgraded the "brain" of that...thus, this game costed him
more than...the price of game...did his investment flourished...!?
Unfortunately, or sadly....his expectation and excitement just
were crumbled...by the "too much stuffy" data of the game
for 9821 series...because that was suitable especially for...
MS-DOS ones which often had the high-spec CPU ones
like Intel or AMD....and huge memories enough to activate
the games fluently...
Due to the lack or shortage of performance, the velocity
of the solution for the game was...catastrophically slow...
that made the player be so...exhausted and bored...
Moreover, because of the slow movement and response...
some mini-game especially "throwdown" moment always
killed the player...he or she could not deal with them...
by avoiding, counterattacking or just defeating...the enemies....
That's the hellishly ruthless for players!! OMG!!
Thus...the whole fruitless processes by my father
was the trip of "Hellcab"...some malicious cicerone
just invited...inveigled him with some huge costs...
and never "escaped" from games by completion....hahaha.
Oh, do not forget about that...that's just our case of this
one. I didn't play this one very well because of those
problems...however, I hope for this game to be so exciting
and nice....!!
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