"The Inauguration of Popolocrois Story"
After his 10th birthday with the people who love the "prince of
Popolocrois" and his dear father as King Paulo...
before the his first surprise about the truth...
he...Prince Pietro...whose mother already passed away...
always has the solicitude...for his farewell mother...who love
him so much...King Paulo just told him...because of his sincerity
and kindness to avoid any "loneliness" for mother...
However, after the party...he rappelled the ivy athletics and
followed his father...who is about to head to the secret tower...
He just followed him calmly and quietly...to retrieve his secrets...
by his curiosity...after that, the father spoke with somebody...
"It was 10 years ago....time just passed so fast..."
"Pietro's 10th birthday is today...despite his fledging...
he was loved by people so much...and he grew up so much...."
He told message or report about his son to....the beautiful lady
who seemed to sleep...very silently and calmly...
Of course, Pietro asked him the woman who lied on the bed...
Father Paulo just was flabbergasted and clammed...despite
his importuning approaches for the "answer" or "truth"...
Suddenly and eventually, some "explosive" ones were heard
by them...yes, that's the "guerilla foray" by...King Gami, the
most famous "villain" of Popolocrois...and the "loved"character
with Japanese chivalry...
With the tactics and intelligent robotic "soldiers"....
Gami succeed his plan against Popolocrois Castle...which also
has the phalanx...but was defeated by opponent...
When Paulo returned the king room...some of soldiers already
fell down and knocked out by the commandos of Gami....
Worst thing happened....after his arrival, Gami finally met him
and found his "most wanted" item...the "intelligent crown"...
which enhances the knowledge and intelligence of owner...
and is the symbol of "King of Popolocrois"....
Therefore, he should protect his own crown....but couldn't do
because of the artifice of Gami...
Pietro also arrived at the place...he was worried about his
father who already knocked down...and some anger against
Gami...as the invader and the attacker of his father..
He "defied"....against his enemy...Gami...but he just was
innocuous and "weak"child...with brave heart....
He could not do anything against Gami...to defeat...
Gami ruthlessly(as villain) mauled him in a row...although the
invincible bravery of Pietro repeated to attack him...
After the lost of crown and rout by Gami's army..
The sun is about to rising...with the equanimity...
Continue to Part.2....
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