Violent Cop...the debut for filming of Takeshi Kitano...
"Dear Mr.Takeshi Kitano, what is "insanity" and "weapon"...??
The first movie of "A Takeshi Kitano film"...Violent Cop.
As you see the name....this film contains...plentiful violent and brutal
scenes using not only gunnery...bats, knives but also...whole parts of body.
This is not 100% purely original movie by Takeshi Kitano...the original one
was written by Sho Nozawa...famous author and would be directed
by Kinji Fukasaku...also eminent director in Japan...however,
this has lots of elements of violent movies directed by Takeshi...
or you can find some roots of Outrage,
even this depicted the isolated or lonely detective
who was against the canteen culture in Police or sickened society...
Takeshi, who creates the violent and brutal movies
said..."Persons who has or use gunnery or some lethal
weapon in this movie always...end his life "unhappily"...that is my
policy for them because of antipathy for them."with opprobrium
for some Hollywood action ones who always hide brutality and
only explained the brutal ones which killed people only by using numbers...
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