The whole beginning of Popolocrois Story...
This is the inauguration of Popolocrois Story and...Pietro's adventures.
Gami Gami the first villain against Pietro invaded the Popolocrois
Castle to deprive "the crown of wisdom" of the King Paulo, to construct
his utopia and intractable castle and take under the control of whole world
in Popolocrois.
In the same time, Prince Pietro, the main character, protagonist,
was celebrated for his 10th the all people in Popolocrois and
his father "Paulo". His father was so happy to held the party and give
celebration for his son with people. However, despite the gorgeous
and genial party, Pietro seems to be...sad or lonely...for some reason.
There was not woman who should be here... who would be celebrating him.
His mother Sania is demised...just he told that from father 10 years ago.
Paulo nurtured his son without polite and good child and "Prince".
Pietro loves father so much, however his heart has some vacuity....
he feels loneliness...because of the demise of mother who should be with him...
On the party still holding...suddenly, some ricochets were blasting....
Unknown enemies attacked the castle with some unseen weapons,
robots and aircrafts. The party changed to be confused and catastrophic situation.
Sentinels defended the castle and people against invaders, however they easily
defeated and injured by robotic soldiers of GamiGami...this is the "crisis".
King Paulo still put his crown on his head...he should protect it from villain.
But...unfortunately, GamiGami succeeded to rob the crown of him by using some
hypnotic gas. Noticing the situation in the scene of robbery, Pietro, just 10 years
old child, tried to attack GamiGami to take it back...sadly, he could not defeat
GamiGami as adult and sneaky villain...he could nothing for GamiGami...
After the cataclysm....the whole castle and sentries were...damaged.
The crown of wisdom, which represent the king of Popolocrois, was taken
away...Paulo the king was tired and in the bed because of invasion....
Prime Minister Maugham(I don't know exact spells...extract from same
name whose pronunciation is the same in Japanese) have to cope with
this crisis, reclaiming the crown, reconstructing the castle, curing the
sentinels and...take care of the King. However, the whole units of GamiGami
is so intractable to defeat....the damage of castle is huge, sentinels are so tired
and injured and impossible to make a sortie to fastness of Gami. ,
and the King is still...sick and shocked. How can he solve the matters...??
He was also exhausted about his huge duties...
In that situation, someone raised his hand to defeat GamiGami and
take the crown back from him...."someone" is...Prince Pietro.
However, Pietro is just 10 years old, still little one not adult.
He had no knowledge for adventure, nothing to fight with enemy,
and too dangerous to expose him to the fortress of enemies...
Maugham firstly refused to permit him to do that. However,
Pietro said.." I just should do that, only I can do that...I can"....
Even his father Paulo denied and made angry for that....and
Prime Minister just had to agree with him...
The adventure of Pietro, is about to begin...!!
Anyway, Popolocrois is one of my best video game works...not just as "game" but
as fantastic story....Sorry for prolonged sentences!!
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