Kids Return...the resurrection of Takeshi Kitano
"Are we just over...?" "Ass-hole, we didn't start yet!!"
This last conversation reflects and expresses the dilemma or...
just my hoping opinion... his arrogant attitude for society or all
of negativity that inflicts and oppresses him..., even
the equanimity succumbed them...this means resistance or antipathy
for them aggressively. That's I like...venerate Takeshi Kitano so much.
Before the decision of title as "Kids Return"...former title of
this movie is "So what?"...that means some "giving up" or "end of
the whole life"...or represent some pessimistic vision of Kitano
for his carrier because of fatal accident and failure of comedy
movie "Getting Any?"...seemingly, after filming this, the
attitude and vision of Kitano changed...and re-titled this as
"Kids Return"...from poet compilation book "Kid Return"..
Producer Masayuki Mori remembered some interesting
episodes of audience for this movie...especially in Europe
While Japanese audience phrased one and were mustered
up by this movie... especially including the last words,
European recognized this as...despondence of
young people in Japan...because of description
of juvenile punk who can not be Yakuza...
or boxer who was entangled the bad habits for pugilism
and ended his carrier... moreover, they said the last words
arrogantly or strongly...someone said "is this represent the
whole young Japanese as abject...or should say that words
even in the worst situation??
Nevertheless, this movie is so...powerful and vivid one...
actually, before filming...the mental conditon of Kitano was
unstable...or abject again because of negative campaign for
him in 1995...deny for his resurrection in lisping
comedian, or too much early to come back...
To defeat and rehab from the negativity...Mr.Mori suppose
him to create some scripts for movie completely...because movie is only
his hope and recourse...for his coming back in the worst moment.
When making some ideas for movie...Kitano were revivifying and
joying his lets him reboot...thus,
this movie helps Kitano to come back...or support his resurrection.
If you wanna come back to the some...remember and memorize
this reference "We didn't start yet" start the whole new life
with "arrogant"...not negatively but positively attitude.
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