Glory to the filmmaker...The destructive movie for his whole by Takeshi Kitano
"What a surprise, this foolish director asseverated never to film
his violent movies..."
This is the second movie...or adventure and destruction of whole his carriers
or his movies...traveled from eminent and Japanese orthodox Yasujiro Ozu styles
or Showa one like movie "Always" story of blinded painter,
the action one of Ninja...or horror one which he hadn't filmed yet...
to Sci-fi that described the crisis of world...and certain crazy mother and
daughter who chased and pursued the billionaire...thus,
this is the various and omnibus movie...directed and written
by Takeshi Kitano...or describing himself as "director in the deadlock"
Moreover, this is the second...rehabilitation or resuscitation program for
Takeshi Kitano...because of failure of them by filming the movie Takeshis'...
Firstly, he had some idea about...the aforementioned scenario
about the mother & daughter who chased the billionaire all over the world...
however, while writing the scripts, he...or they the producer and director
noticed that it's not enough to complete the story...the limitation of location
forced them to describe the small scaled one...or, just not enough to film in 2 hours...
So, Takeshi asked Mori about current movie vogues....for example, retrospective
one like "Always" series..., the symbolic filmmaker of traditional Japanese style
Yasujiro Ozu... or love stories. If Takeshi generates those kind of ones...?
Mori proposed the project of omnibus short stories as "Opus 19/31", former
title of that.
Actually, this movie represents poignant or strident situation of
filmmaker who traveled or meandered somewhere to find his answers for
movies....but all of them were failed...or wrong for him. Especially, the last
sci-fi episode was chaotic and catastrophic...really I could not comprehend
it so much...
In the last...Kitano destructed whole his episodes in this use the
scene of meteorite which attacked to the earth....with the sentences
"Glory To The Filmmaker"...
By the way, this title Glory To The Filmmaker are used as award one
in Venezia film festival...surprisingly, Al Pacino was received the one...
Al Pacino!! If he will join the Kitano....what kind of movie do they make?
Or what kind of character Pacino acts...?I really excited!!
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