Mr.Nagaharu Yodogawa adored "Boiling Point" and give his honorable award for...
"I chose this movie "Boiling Point" as the Yodogawa Award
in magazine "RoadShow(possibly about movie in Japan)"
Thus, as that explained, I like this movie so much.
Takeshi Kitano...he is the "harvest" of Japanese movies
such as...Akira Kurosawa.
Moreover, he is my hope...for the future of movies."
Mr.Yodogawa watched "Boiling Point" as the second movie of Kitano.
He expounded the movie as
"the explosion of crazy and too much exposed adolescence...with
innocence and viciousness..."
He also impressed...or lost his words by some scenes from
Okinawa with Bird Paradise...the posh flowers which were
planted, culled like sugar cane and
used to hide the machine guns (to attack the rivals) in the movie...
Those scenes represented and expressed the attitude
and arrogance of Takeshi Kitano as movie director...for
audience to just watch the "movie"...arrogantly...
as Yodogawa said.
Finally, he cited "Trainspotting", the British movie about
drugs and reckless young people...that included some
amazing scenes...for instance, the toilet scene that someone enter
the hole of explicate that Boiling Point already
done those kind of things before...
Yodogawa averred that Takeshi has modern and arrogant perceptions and senses
for movie... "This is the second impact of Takeshi for me...impressive"
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