Sudden horrific notices...from TV in Midnight...

After the beep with some colorful vision on TV in midnight...that is the sign

of the end of whole TV programs in a day...suddenly, the horrific news

was on air...with the name of "deceased" people with ages, transpotations

included buses, trains, airplanes..., highways, by-passes and companies

in "tomorrow" Japan. Did you see those....scary lists...??

Of course...this is just a parody and artificial one with artifice...

Some pique prankster created this following the

urban legend of "NNN emergency news"...with some flabbergasted "horrors"....

like Japanese scary movies....moreover, whole names in the movie were...

completely fictional and unrelated to actual not worry!! But...

What kind of "horrors" do you imagine....? Just check one upon...

Be careful for some horrific and flabbergasted scenes on the tube...!!


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