Mr.Onoden finally became the astronaut....!!

As the representative and spokesman of of famous

nationwide electric shops in Japan...Mr. Onoden is still busy to

promote his own Akihabara. However....his true and

ulterior dream is became the president of...

As you see, he is flying...or levitating into the atmosphere in Akiba...

as we are in space...which doesn't have any gravitation...and makes

us levitate and drift in the air...!! Did he finally became the astronaut...!?

Sorry, it's just farce from me...hahaha. Anyway, he was shored up by

the strong pipe attached on the part of aircraft...and under his groin and legs...

I didn't know the dream of him conclusively realized...but it is definitely

that he wanna fly to space....!!

This statue...thus, Astronaut Onoden is waiting for you near the entrance

of corners of clocks and watches...!!


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