"Whole" by Flaw...the description for American "flaws"...

They described the America...which has lots of "flaws"....

or some inflicts and afflictions which suffered the Americans...

As the typical Japanese has the images of America which has lots

of celebrities in Hollywood, and vogue for fashion and tuned-in music...

and still the powerful economic authority for whole of the world...

some of them did not know about the actual portraiture of USA...

that has lots of problems, crimes and even traumas....actually,

I really love the American cultures and artifacts, but...I also

wit that they have another facets of...or, even negative sides

that were depicted by this song..."Whole".

Salvation, redemption and brightness...are the necessity

for people...to cure and deal with their plights or even "flaws"...

one of the practical way is...the expression and revelation for

your problems...like this song. Anyway...

I really still love this song as "flawless" as the delineation for flaws...


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