The traditional Swedish way to eating surströmming..(sic)

The stinkiest this world you know, surstromming from

Sweden...extremely fermented and non-emasculated herrings that

must fumed some...saying bluntly, stinky or disgusted

being pickled in much salty water in many preserve them

as long-time tuckers for winter season or emergent situation...

As you see this video, people especially...elder or mid aged people

seems to taste and enjoy this traditional foods

 with potatoes, minced onions(possibly reduced or mitigated some

odor from them...), beers vodkas(sometimes using as deodorant for

them by high-rate alcohol...) and some breads...(Kanpai to

nice Swedish family!!)

According to some Japanese who tried to taste this...

the taste of them is...or just stinky odor ultimately stymied the purely

actual one and sweet spots of them...thus, just disastrous.

Unfortunately, the fermentation of them in Japan were just uncontrolled

or too much completed...for boosting odors as stinkiest ones

to eat or taste them in the "net" and proper way.

However, those provided some racy or gamy ones for fans who

also loves some...stinky and fermented foods like Kusaya...the

fermented and dried fishes without giblets of them...

the fumes of them liken...the excreta(opaque and oblique expression for...)

despite the much less stinky than Sweden's one...

Nevertheless, even without stinkiest odors, this surstrommings are

too much...or plethora of salty taste for Japanese to be on the tongue...

Moreover, they prefer Sashimi (raw fish dishes) to them...because

we can eat the fresh one in long time...without any fermentation against

rotten damages...that's why those fermented ones could not be

popular in Japan...but some Japanese, in fact, like them whether

they costs the fans to much money...because of limitation to import

by law of preservation for herring among the world...

By the way, do I wanna try to taste this...??Honestly...Very little motive

boosts me...sometimes, I will try...sometimes in the future..hahaha.


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