BES from SWANKY SWIPE feat. I-DeA / 評決のとき

あれはone day 午前0時前のnews
On the ordinary day(someday), the news broadcast before 0 A.M,

眺めるTV smoke, ぬるくなったジュース
Staring TV and smoking, with lukewarm juice

ニュースキャスター 淡々と読み上げたname 
Newscaster enunciated the name dispassionately.

I was flabbergasted and looked out the screen at a twice...

罪状殺人 加害者 血縁者 大◯一家 某組の長
Convicted murder, who has relations of his syndicate
(he was the boss of infamous gangster organization)

昔かたぎ叩き上げの893 俺には指のない足長のおじさん
Truly old school gritty Yakuza(893), he was the avuncular
(long legs like one in Red Hair Anne) uncle without finger for me.

住宅街 事務所でpang 五人をkill 響くgun shot
Shot(pang) in the office among the domicile area,
he killed 5 victims and pealed the gun shots

内輪もめこじれ方針の違い 相手から仕掛けた鉛のgame
The family were in internal conflict about the policy.
Opponents try to set out the game of bullets.

意地の通し合い 意味無い輪廻 
They crush both adamant volition, none of the meaning of transmigration of souls

押し合いへし合い また殺し合い 殺したほう 殺されたほう
Tackling and jostling, and killing again and again, begot the murderer and murdered.
感情交差してく とどめはPOW
Crossed the emotion, in the end...POW.

検事は闇で殺人鬼呼ばわり 何が殺しあえばいいだよfuck
In the dark back side prosecuter call uncle as serial killer
Fuck feds said that they had better homicide each other

 Do you comprehend what the truth is? Fuck. 

Nevertheless, the judge hammer out the cases are truth (proven, guilty)

極刑は死刑 未だ覆らない 相手には当然 こちら側騒然
Ultimate punishment is death penalty, yet overturned, opponents took it for granted, 
our sides totally confused and flabbergasted. 

身内は控訴 何度も挑戦 愛娘号泣 切れかけた生命線
The relatives appealed to judge in many times, 
Uncle's lovely daughter crying out.  
His whole life is on the verge of demise. 

いくら世間から文句言われたって 手紙 裁判 傍聴人 面会
Nonetheless the people argued him, 
(they sent) Letter, (they observe and support his)Court
They meet uncle at jail courteously.  

差し伸べる周りの手は温かい 何があっても何も変わらない
They provide the sincere supports to uncle,
What if some happened, what could be unchanged for us. 

実際笑えねぇよgangsta movie 興味本位で暴走 ガキに舌打ち
Actually I could not laugh out the gangster movie, 
Just their interests made juveniles rampaged that makes me clucked my tongue.  

He pulled the trigger in the deal of his destiny for death 

Inevitable sin that he could not escaped from...

おじさん塀の中で何思う あこがれて持ち上げる奴らにも問う
What did uncle think about (the things he did) behind the bar, 
I really ask about those for the "wannabe" who wanna be rich and upstart

I as the dumbest one  about that for myself


I hate(eat) the bullets witch changed the whole situation.


Construed by $hougeki. Not for sale just for promotion and 
publicizing for this song...


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