Latest info about Mayu Tomita in August...@tomitamayu #getwellsoonMayu #Mayu5trong

From the latest published one of Shukan Bunshu as Tabloid one....

Mayu so assiduous to rehabilitate herself in

mental and physical cares and....

"Want to play the guitar again" with her cast-iron will for music....

Yes, she is so...passionate to come back to the stage...!!

Of course, her parents and supporters also welcomed her will

and dream about music...yes, me too!!

Of course, she needs the time for complete recuperation....

and still was postponed for her investigation with family

because of her condition that was already out of the critical one...

but still in the difficult to meet somebody without family....

According to some supporter of her who owns and manages

his musical stage with cafe once decided...the close of his and

return to his hometown

...if Mayu had passed away...but she is coming back as phoenix.

He also mentioned his short but very good conversation with

Mayu's mother with her thankful message for fans and him...

Moreover, there are some supportive message flag and

charity box for Mayu with....

"We love Mayu"


Do not be hasty about her comeback, but she....

Mayu Tomita wishfully and strongly wanna sing her songs

with guitar again...with her cast-iron and invincible heart...!!

Get Well Soon Mayu!! We are ready for your stage!!!!

Follow our pal @tomitamayu on Twitter to support and

send some cheerful message for her...with the tag

#getwellsoonMayu #Mayu5trong

and please "report"

some "dastardly tweets" for her with

official of Twitter to eradicate those...if you can read



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