Cigarettes from Thailand

When I was an ordinary and obedient high school student, I accidentally experienced some weird thing with my local fellows. One of former friends called "Jay" received some cigarettes from Thailand which were the souvenirs from his former colleague. Seen from me, it seemed to be some kind of...I mean, it looked so identical to so-called butts which were on the posters of Bob Marley. Thus, Did those contain the euphoric weeds...???

I didn't smoke cigarettes, even I have not ever been smoker. However,  some of my friends were already smoker although the teenage smoking was legally banned in Japan rigorously. Curiously, they ignited the butt and smoke it slowly. At the same time, I recalled the picture of Reggae god with it. 

"Hey, are those very similar to blunts which was used by Bob Marley??"

Jay was flabbergasted by my uncanny mention and mildly denied it. Of course, in my current book, he was completely right that there were just cigarettes from South-East Asia. However, because of my ignorance, I supported my theory for them and lil bit excited if those were weed containers. 

Jay also doubted the cigarettes. Another smoker Masa already inhaled smoke from it. 

"I felt very angry and aggressive for somebody, I wanna blow them out!!"

Those students completely suspected the butts were Mary Jane. However, it is impossible for it to make somebody be mad or angry suddenly. Hence, that was just placebo by my mention. 

I was also lil bit tasting it without intaking in my lungs but just licking smoke on my tongue. That was so bitter and smoky for me to become addicted to cigarettes. 


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