" [Title Track] " from Sumo Jungle...by Soichi Terada
The anthem, paean and hula song for...Akebono, Musashimaru and
Konishiki...those who are the very famous and strong Ozeki & Yokozuna..
as the champions from Hawaii....remixed by genius and oriental techno
composer and artist Mr.Soichi Terada...
With the introduction of mellow Hawaii song with lyrics for famous
Sumo wrestlers...this ethnic and mellifluous sumo anthem was
rendered....with upbeat tempos and "heavy" bass sounds...
Despite the difference between techno one with electrical instrumentals
and hula song with strings as ukulele...the harmony and flavor of this one
is so "slowly"comfortable...as tropical techno one...and sweet...I didn't mean
slowly as"lazy", but do "chilling" and "relaxing"....
Anyway, I wanna sing this one especially in some repeated phrases...
Akebono, Musashimaru, and Konishiki....that's the impressive lines...hahaha.
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