BGM #4 from Prime Goal EX by Namco...
Uncertain for the "usage"...of this short music...but just
named No.4 and used in some scenes in the game...anyway,
it's clear that this one is so cool...composed by
Hiroshi Okubo...the sophisticated and aesthetic musical artist
who worked especially with Namco...
Prime Goal EX...the soccer(football) game series featuring
Japanese professional league as 1995 was the
transplanted one for Playstation....from the arcade ones as
Prime Goal...with 3D graphics and officially certified actual
teams with their own and famous players...
it was released from SNES in the past with semi-3D (by 2D)
graphics...and also featured J-League famous teams and players...
Its definite that this one is exclusive...I don't know how can
the owner of it get this sound....possibly soaking from original
game disk, or just having a original data and obtaining it from
employees or some people related to this or Namco...??
Anyway, just enjoy this short but "hat trick" music!!
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