Rare footage of the release of Windows 95 in Akihabara...throwback to 90's...

Akihabara...as the popular and attractive area currently represented as the mecca of Japanese cultures of animation, underground idol showbiz was partly transformed from the past electrical traits who has lots of certain retailers from consumers to professionals but still has the atmospheres and passions like the 90's ones in this video...

Windows 95 reminded me of the impressive day when the new desk-top computer by Gateway was finally delivered and booted up in our house. This was the first time to touch and see MS-DOS because our long-time partner of computer was PC-98 series which was originally made by Japanese and standardized basic formula by NEC. 

Windows 95 and hardware by Gateway provided us with the opportunities to play the computer games with the genuine 3D graphics, very authentic software which helped us develop some documents and administer the PC effectively and the Internet which was not realistic or useful for us yet.

By the way when I was a child, I often visited Akihabara with my parents, especially with my dad who was used to customize his own by going to some shops purchasing motherboards, CPU, gaming software and other necessary gadgets for PC.

